layout: post title: Summary DevFest-WTM description: ~ DevFest-W(Woman Techmakers) Summary author: zoomq categories: Events tags: gdg cbi event announce

GDG Zhuhai hosted DevFest-WTM(WomenTechmakers) on 8th March 2014 as full day's event. with GDG NewDelhi make the first cross-country GDG collaborations ;-) (just atta. only one collage, more photos pls. look at here)



8.5 hours full day event
77 people registered
49 people registered showed up, 26 WOMEN! (>50%)
8 speakers, 4 for Site Interview (all women!)

Free food and soft drink all day

in Schedule:

Original plan is 12:00~14:00 lunch+society time. usage GDG Istanbul'd design "Don;t as Google" Frame, so happy shoting.

but 13:05 GDG NewDelhi ask hangout us. immediately shout all people back room,and make cross-country Hangout. after try 3 times , Live Hangout showing !

Mr. Shrey Malhotra - Google Cloud Platform

unfortunately the sound is always intermittent.
people in Zhuhai all not understanded the details of speech.
hope Shrey can shring us the presentation.

Ms. Grace Wang - WPS Story woman engineer local zhuhai,talk about story for original common office software: WPS for fixed Cnglish, we publich Speeches

end the unite-time, one NewDelhi girls ask us:

Under what operating system developing WPS?

because WPS is Cross-platform common office software; so us engineers coding under all kinds of OS: - windows - Ubuntu - MAC OS

in fact,today WPS all files include more than 200+ million lines of code! real complex big project, soooo many tech story can talk.

btw: in fact Zhuhai prepare two topic, but forgeted ScreenShare can not scrap the Video streaming, had to cancel at that time: - CleanMaster Story - Slides - Speeches

Thanks to Shrey Malhotra, Anubha Balani and others for make ture for unite-time with NewDelhi.

After the hangout, we back schedule:

when event end,rainning, but everyone excitement for know such pretty CodeGirls.

Important is, them pretty not only base skin, just through the activity for learnning/try anythings!

A big thank must give all volunteers come from Beijing Institute of Technology Zhuhai for support envet.

another big thank you to Zoom.Quiet and GDG Zhuhai Team (Bonnie Liu,SpawnrisG,langqixu,LiTan).

Event Links: G+ : DevFest-WTM(Women Techmakers) ZhuHai - Google+ Session Videos :

the lost topic:

Session Records

Session Slide : - 130727-gdgzhgdl base S5 (one kinds of html5 slides) - right version: 2-22-sod-zq-zhgdg-intro




码不停提马上无虫 ;-)


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